anon ♡ · 1mo

any nsfw thoughts on ivantill yuri….? 😳

GAY AND HOMOSEXUAL!!! (lesbian edition)

my first minific fill was about the ladies actually hehehe i love them so 💘

general thoughts (some nsfw some not):

  • i prefer to hc ivan as long haired & femme, till short-haired and butch
  • their styles are pretty much the same as canon except ivan trends more goth loli. till would not wear a skirt if you paid her to
  • ivan has HUGE GINORMOUS BADONKERS sorry i don’t make the rules. till has tiny mosquito bite tits 🫶🏾
  • (cw blood) i’ve talked about this in another post briefly but i think ivan has such a till kink, she wants everything. so like. till being on her period is just another time ivan is like GIMME GIMMEEEE I WANNA SEEEEE and till is like 💢 you are so gross, DESIST
  • ivan headgame undefeated
  • she doesn’t mind scissoring with till (till’s preference, because she wants to them BOTH to get off at the same time (not that this ever happens, ivan usually bullies her into an orgasm first)), but vastly prefers to stick toys up till’s coochie so she kiss till silly and tease her with them
  • it would be cute if ivan tried to convince till wearing a yoni egg would be “good for her core” so she just gets grin at till squirming around it all day like the rotten pervert she is

i’m not really much of an ideas person beyond those vague hcs haha. i love toxic yaoi AND yuri viva la gender shenanigans in this house 🥳 feel free to send me a prompt if you have one!

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