anon ♡ · 1mo

any cute or quirky routine together habits ivantill hcs?

hmmm!! 🤔 that’s a hard one haha that kind of stuff comes to me in a fugue state when i’m writing usually.

i would say these are my tried and true thoughts, but whether i actually squeeze them all into fics is questionable lmao.

  • ivan wears contacts but he forgets to take them out and put them on with considerable frequency (on off days / in school.) he doesn’t really care that he can’t see shit. till fusses at him tho. also till likes his glasses
  • ivan has really silky hair and god’s most obnoxious skincare routine. till uses bar soap or mens 13-in-1 he does not give a solitary fuck
  • on this note, ivan likes it better when till hasn’t showered when they (redacted)
  • whenever till sees ivan hanging out with kids it plucks his heartstrings (homo ass)
  • neither of them like to drive. but till would go on long drives before ivan (bocchan behavior)
  • ivan is always dressed like head to toe and till is like if i do not free my tits on every single occasion i’ll die. (running gag in my circle that when till sees ivan in like shorts and t-shirts he’s like COVER THEM UP SLUT)
  • till is in denial about his insane libido snd thinks ivan is just crazy. (they are both crazy)

that’s all i think!! also randomly i hc ivan left handed. i have no basis lol. thanks for asking!

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