anon ♡ · 30d

Thoughts on vampire Till trying to act all tough and scary, and human Ivan teasing Till with his blood, to the point of begging.

okay, i have to admit. weirdly enough, i have ZERO proper fic thoughts for vampire ivtl concepts LOL idk it’s like i have a brain block rn. except. sigh’s art of vamp ivan & hunter till which belongs in a museum

anyways okay vampire till. 🤔 idk that he would necessarily “try” to act scary. he’s just sort ot tired hahaha. and he’s like WHO IS THIS BRAT WHO KEEPS THROWING THEMSELVES AT ME GO AWAY 💢

i think he would try to be patient and like keeps turning ivan down even though ivan is sparkly eyed like i know what you are and it would require far more plot than i’m capable of to get till into a position where he’s viscerally injured and drinking ivan’s blood is the only option and then he finds himself addicted to it and—

ahem. anywho. i do think this concept is super cute, ivan sex pesting till as always. till is probably bewildered like how can you POSSIBLY get it up rn i drained so much blood.

ivan: horny 👍🏾

so that’s that on that from me. hahaha. thanks for asking!

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