anon ♡ · 1mo

i love love love your writing so much….. i can’t help but ask, have you ever thought about incest w ivantill….. maybe step-brothers? till would be such a bitchy brother

okay, i’ve been pondering over this one for a while and i think the endgame here is i can’t really think of a plot for this to work. lol!!

if they’re stepbrothers, that’s not like true incest to me 😂 just incest-flavored. and i think till would have a way better understanding of ivan after living with him so he wouldn’t just be this total enigma the way he is (to me) in other universe.

also, i guess i don’t really see till as a brat to family? if you want to use urak as a parental analogue, then sure lol. but i think ivan is very mm. he likes that till is a brat. lol.

to me, i think a stronger case could be made for like. till being the older one who is constantly compared to his younger brother. he doesn’t take it out on ivan—it’s not ivan’s fault, but there’s a huge rift between till and their parents because of that. and it adds to his rebellious spirit. he would probably leave home early and ivan would be like ): hyung don’t leave me…

anyways!! sorry i couldn’t put this one together but thanks for asking~ 💘

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