anon โ™ก ยท 6d

Why do you not refer to characters w alt genitals as trans? Just wondering! ๐Ÿ’›

yeah it's all good! somewhat personal, so just as a heads up there hehe ๐Ÿ’“

first of all, i'm a nonbinary person. so, i don't really find an attachment/association to gender and bits at all. and it's especially frustrating to be seen as one or the other just because you "look" or "present" a certain way.

to be completely clear - this is not a diss on ANYONE who does this. but i find it super duper frustrating that a lot of lgbt+ stories focus around being, well, lgbt. my personal philosophy is that the sooner we start taking people at face-value for what THEY themselves present as and just ask for their pronouns, the better off we are.

because, to me, it's more important to see people as people. say, if you were a cis woman, you wouldn't want someone to look at your boobs and say, "wow, you must be A WOMAN" the way that trans people are often turned into items or commodities. it's extremely uncool to me and belittles their whole experience.

on the whole, i think trans identities cover a lot more identities than the "traditional" ftm going on T or mtf going on E experiences. i also think in (the current global sociopolitical climate) it's extremely exclusive of persons who might never get an opportunity outside of the internet to be accepted for what they feel on the inside.

all of that is a very long ramble to say that whatever people have going on in their pants is their own business. and i don't think that should be a defining trait of their personality more than a head-nod at "here's what they got going on down south."

in the land of fiction, we're welcome to be as free and imaginative as possible, and i want to live in a "fantasy" world where someone can have boobs and vagina and use he/him pronouns and everyone just goes "cool, good for you" -- you know? ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿพ

hope that helps!! thanks for asking!

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