Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anon ♡ · 6mo

so w pets, owners would usually neuter them to calm down their aggressiveness and whatnot, right?and so, silly question…..would getting neutered actually calm ivan down or just make him worse?
(askshjdk is it okay to ask this?)

i mean. speaking as a pet owner. i don't think most people neuter their pets to calm them down, they neuter them so they don't have more offspring to deal with on accident, especially if their (insert pet) is near a potential mate (or mates) they can knock up LMFAO...

idk that neutering ivan would calm him down so much as lend some relief to till's sanity. like. if ivan is going to hump him all the time and be a horny freak about fucking everything, at least till doesn't have to worry about ivan substituting his birth control with placebos or some shit because ivan's breeding kink is interminable

i think ivan would ummmm. probably be worse in a world like omegaverse where other people give off the scent of wanting to fuck till when he's in heat and he can't. likely to commit murder. but for till, tbh, ivan growling and pinning people is better than accidental pregnancy, probably. (shrug)

it doesn't matter. it's never gonna happen. ivan covers his tracks and till, despite all of his griping, hasn't issued any format of restraining order. his balls remain in tact (for now)

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