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anon ♡ · 6mo

We've seen Till has been used as a sexual toy in that bar but i guess ivan has been used the same way too..
and he is just so normal abt it... (whoooooooooore) ok no..
Ivan being a whore/slut is a guilty pleasure i dunno why

lol i getchu! idk ivan reads super sex positive to me? so you’re well within your rights

(*guy who always writes ivan whore coded)

i think a lot on the flashbacks in black sorrow, presumably shortly after ivan’s adoption. where he is being paraded around with (presumably unsha’s) a hand on his head. and i just think very much on the topic about ivan basically never being forced to wear his collar. what did he do for that privilege? how much must he have “bartered” to learn how to be so “in” with the segyeins?

it’s also an interesting contrast against luka, who is very much a “pure” and untainted caged dove. two animals, opposite ends of the “parental” spectrum. idk i just think.

anyways i don’t believe in guilty pleasures! love what you love homie. 🫶🏾🌸🌺 your inner freak is welcomed here

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