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anon ♡ · 6mo

Wanna see Ivan gives a score for best place to kiss/touch/grope Till like agoda review

well, i have no idea what an agoda review is, but i get the gist, lol.

worst: till's feet. (he's ticklish. also till doesn't like it when ivan licks between his toes.)
→till's elbows (not a whole lot of cushion there. also till will knock him in the teeth way too easily)
→till's fingers (similarly, too easy for till to punch/scratch at him)
→till's arms - generally (prime real estate for kissing)
→till's legs - generally (thighs..calves...mmm mm good eats)
→till's back (path of least resistance...also his spine curvature with probably scoliosis is sexy)
→till's thighs (chomp)
→till's armpits (sniff)
→till's neck (littered with bruises from choking and hickeys, etc.)
→till's facial cheeks (he turns pretty colors)
→till's redacted (for his tasting pleasure only)

till's ass & chest are basically nonexistent 💔 but ivan still gets the biggest boner out of groping those areas because it makes till angry and embarrassed. (also ivan slips fingers up till's crack because ofc he does)

overall experience 500/10 ivan would put till in his mouth again (thumbs up emoji)

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