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anon ♡ · 6mo

hi how do you balance writing smut almost a daily basis with the rest of your life? you churn these out so fast it’s unfathomable to me. is it intrusive to ask what kind of a job you have?

i don’t talk personal biz online, lol, but i don’t work full time currently (20-30hr work week).

i guess it’s like. i built a habit of writing in the morning a longggg long time ago even on work days. i almost always write for at least 1-2hrs every day, and recently calculated an avg of 1.1k written a day. which, while fast, is pretty temperate when you think about it that way.

i don’t really do a lot of “thinking” when i write, nor do i plan my fics, but that’s just me. and i don’t do a full deep-dive edits when i post here on RS — i save that for posting to ao3 lol. (which is why these fills often have a bajillion typos.)

if you’re asking purely for advice about writing speed and improving smut experience, here are my tips:

1) read a lot. my writing speed is only fast because my reading speed is fast. also, reading a lot will improve your writing experience.

2) set aside a very small chunk of the day where YOU feel your best and do your best writing. hold yourself to doing it every day as much as possible! (unless you’re busy, sick, or simply not feeling it.) for me, this is as soon as i get up. it might not be much, at first, but the more often you do it, the more you’ll find yourself writing!

3) re: smut — don’t take yourself too seriously. it’s going to feel awkward at first, but again, the more you write, the stronger & better you’ll get. like anything you practice, you’ll see improvement as like as you keep trying.

hope any of that helps at all lol! i subscribe to the classic pottery adage and recommend reading it if you never have before. take care! 💘✨

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