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anon ♡ · 5mo

Ivan barely eats and sleeps and still trains every day. How he doesn't faint? we don't know, but I still assume that although he is not super muscular he must be very toned and lean....
I am just thirsty for Ivan... my loser pathetic babygirl

i'm going to be completely honest with you, my friends have brainwashed me into being a swole ivan enjoyer but in my heart of hearts he is like. 1 step above a victorian waif LMAO. i know it's just the way he's drawn, but it's really funny to look at ivan's model shoot in top 3 vs r6 and how he goes from looking like a mega twink to looking like roy mustang

anyways, all jokes aside, i think ivan is built something [like this] because i don't want him to be a dehydrated noodle!! sturdy arms with which to hold till and slim enough to wear all his model-y lil fits.

happy for you being thirsty for ivan, he is sooooo my type and also i'm going to hit him with my car (affectionate) he's so beautiful it makes me angry lol xoxo

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