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anon ♡ · 5mo

Need your opinion on this: fem Ivan has a whole collection of strap ons that she started before even getting with fem Till and asks her for her rating out of ten after trying out each one. She has a whole excel sheet that she analyzes when she expands her collection. Till is horrified when she finds out how detailed it is.

idk nonny you said it all...LOLLLLL

i firmly do believe any and all ivans have a sexual success document (spreadsheet) with calculations that would have finance bros quaking in their boots. number of orgasms, force of orgasm, strength of clench...etcetera and so forth

till rolls her eyes and is like. ENOUGH. except, well, y'all know me. she can complain and be cranky all she wants but she does appreciate the results of ivan's research and begrudgingly matches ivan's freak. i personally think till would HATE vibrators (too overstimulating) but finds it a little funny how ivan tries to find one she'll like. the effort/enthusiasm is applause worthy.

ivan's immaculate sex toy shrine with gold star stickers rating each one and handwritten notes that till tears down with a blush staining her cheeks and shouts ENOUGH!!! yeah...yeah. 🫶🏾

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