Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

theophania · 8mo

I don't remember the role we gave them honestly but I can't stop thinking about the fallout WHEN THEY DROP THIS NEW TEASER
caps instead of coins

like sh riding an once ostrich his fingers are adorned with antique jewelry that doesn't worth much now but he likes their shineyness

and maybe because of the radiation he's capable of having baby and a new guy in the town does that (I'm thinking san)

sh keeps it on the dl because even in their fucked up little radiation rodeo that kind of mutation would be seen as weird. maybe he was rescued from the legion by outlaw hj, who has no idea he knocked him up bc he's a drifter by nature and hasn't been back around yet. but sh is tough as fuck: he's survived worse.

omg wait tho sn as a vault dweller would have such intense Lucy energy????

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