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anon · 1mo

To add on to the anon that asked for a blubberpilled cas, make him even fatter

that poor man is destined to be nothing but a vast mass of lard because of y’all!!! it shall be done >:)

anon · 1mo

back to the Merman Cas AU, I wonder what Oli's role might be in this version of Cas' story, if he's in it to begin with that is. Perhaps he's another merman doing his usual Oli feeder things... Or maybe, he's just the human fisherman that poor Cas met one day and was entirely smitten with... Being brought greasy and fatty foods from the human world to get Cas hooked on, looking forward to each time that whale of a merman floats back up to meet him, bigger and bigger than before...

oli being something like a fisherman/dock worker would work PERFECTLY for this because he would definitely get cas hooked on greasy human food. watching him get bigger and bigger as he demands and begs for more food each time they met……. Ough……..

anon · 1mo

OH the thought of oli being not only self-destructive in his NEED to feed cas but also spiteful is SO on point like that really fits his character down to a T

anon · 1mo

hmmm... Weight Transfer AU Cas getting drunk/high one night to relieve the stress, forgetting in a haze about his partners' weight predicament, ordering WAY too much food to satisfy the munchies, stuffing himself all night long...
One hangover later and suddenly Oli and Rach are sporting one or two more chins than usual, Cas forgetting aaaaalll about the night before... Poor guy, whatever could have happened?

anon · 1mo

oh my god this concept is SO good. just imagining cas trying SO hard to keep his appetite in check but old habits die hard and seeing the damage he’s done in the morning just makes him want to eat his feelings and he CANT!!!!!

anon · 1mo

Ough weightswap AU where Cas turns it around on Ollie, seeing how much he loves getting fatter and not wanting to crush his dreams, helps him get to a point where he makes regular Cas look like the epitome of health

anon · 1mo

so you’re saying that any weight cas gains ends up transferring to his partners? dude would want to STRESS EAT SO BAD like this is a recipe for disaster I love it

anon · 1mo

in the Weightswap AU, do you think Cas would have problems enabling Oli and Rachel similar to how Rachel enabled him? Maybe despite his best efforts as Oli and Rachel's weight climb, he finds himself more overwhelmed with their care, leading to him letting their diets and routines slip a little bit more each time... Both the amount of care they need and their weight snowballing exponentially over time...

yknow what I think he’d really REALLY try to help them lose weight etc to begin with but very quickly would get overwhelmed with having to care for not just one partner but both….. which means he would let stuff slip and probably just enable them in the way rachel enabled him

anon · 1mo

Would Merman Cas find himself packing on more weight than his vanilla counterpart thanks to mobility being less hindered underwater? Might take a good amount of time before he realizes his weight might be a problem...

good question!! he’d probably gain more weight because yeah, he should be more mobile underwater; although mobility is still an issue kind of because his tail is packed with so much fat it doesn’t move as great as it used to. and his stamina sucks lol

DangoSoft · 1mo

Merman Cas being mistaken for a whale and getting caught in a fishing net, cellulite and fat bulging through the gaps in the net, pleading to be let go (or fed more) would absolutely do something to people

anon · 1mo

Does Rachel and Oli still being rivals or they love each other now?

i don’t think there could be any universe where they’d not hate each other let alone love each other 😭

anon · 1mo

I imagine Nathan and Cas becoming friends for a reason, Nathan falls into feederism and begins to gain weight but he also visits Cas very often, to ask him for advice on how to have an exercise routine so as not to have extra discomfort as he continues to gain weight, Olí sees to Nathan and sees that with each visit he is fatter, he thinks that Cas is more attracted to Nathan and begins to gain even more weight to "earn" Cas's affection and attention.

anon · 1mo

So if cas never got so fat he needed an assistant, what becomes of nathan?

nathan will always find a way to fall into the gaining kink whether he finds his kink through having a job helping a fatass or not

anon · 1mo

Which character has the biggest shape discrepancy? I.e all goes to their butt, belly, hips, etc

hrrrr all my characters are pretty big everywhere but kayden’s weight especially focuses on his fupa and left leg :0

anon · 2mo

A very fat and handsome man

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