gojohole enthusiast · 20d

Tobirama in glasses giving the sloppiest head so the lenses r all fogged up and wet w tears and sliding down the bridge of his nose and madara or whoever is fucking his face pulls his hair angling his face up so they can shoot their spunk all over the lenses and it makes tobi so fucking cranky and annoyed but also even harder bc he secretly loves being ruined and dirty i.e. the exact antithesis of his usual public demeanor hdjdkdjd I love u bad vision tobi hc

FACIALS WHEN THEYRE WEARING THEIR GLASSES ARE SO FUCKINGHHHGHH i drew something like this with vashwood like a year or so ago it was so fun.. tobi would look so fucking good all fucked out, lips swollen and red, with teary eyes and cum dripping from the lenses over his face marks.. oh what a vision honestly

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