gojohole enthusiast · 29d

thoughts on uncle!obito and nephew!sasuke… 🤲

obisasu my beloved.. obito is the one who gave sasuke a foot fetish i will die on this hill.. i like the idea of obito taking sasuke’s virginity unknowingly too.. like i don’t think sasuke would be open about having no experience like he’d play it up to make it look like he knows his shit when he in fact does not lmao and i don’t think obito would be too inquisitive either with sasuke’s attitude.. idk i like it when they get on each other’s nerves so the hate fucking goes CRAZYYY and i think they’d use each other to let off the steam while knowing there’s always that someone else they can’t have.. they 100% fucked in that basement or whatever btw (and it was BEFORE obito told sasuke abt itachi and sasuke got so overwhelmed by the whole encounter holy shit)

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