Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Caela · 7mo

OOMFIE HI!!! i wanted to ask about what sort of themes you'd wanna see from 18trip (be it as an event or a gacha scout) in the near future?

IM SOWWY IM LATE anyways. it's a bit too early for me to talk about dream events, but for funsies I need Liguang in a bunny outfit NOW !!!! and I also rlly truly wish for Kafka and Nanaki to get an event together... not sure on the theme.... would be fucked up if it was Vday though. and they both talk about their crush(es). Nanaki w all his failed past ones and currently "failing" one. Kafka with his one and sole crush he's striving towards. fuck my stupid baka life. I want this sad adult and sad kid to connect. I don't want them to be serious "love rivals" or anything. I do truly believe that Kafka doesn't see Nanaki as a "threat" and so instead I want him to view Nanaki as like. someone to guide. cause he's just a kid! I'm soft n gooey for my faves

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