
★ . . aloysius ) he/vam/dai ?!
or alfonse ( 21 ) tmasc audhd
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ #1 psyduck lover  ic

#_capns ♡ !?
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alfonse · 4mo

ᶻ𝘇𐰁 ASK ALFONSE‎ __φ(..;)
‎ 🌻 . . fact about me ?!
‎ 🌐 . . something i like ?!
‎ 🎭 . . one of my interests ?!
‎ ☄️ . . comfort character ?!
‎ 🦕 . . mecore character ?!
‎ 🗑️ . . out of context quote ?!
‎ 🌵 . . info about an oc ?!

Sleet · 19 answers · 2mo
Sleet · 13 answers · 1mo

yes i can see why you would want to change your banner, yes (to an extent) i can see its hard to support both statements, no i dont empathize with the struggle of online existence, yes i can see its a conflict for you, no i dont see this in myself, no you dont sound insane

Sleet · 19 answers · 1mo

Does the stereotypical “procrastination until last second THEN finish everything well done” adhd thing ever just not work for you guys? Does it ever? Just not kick in?? So you just never do it????

Sleet · 10 answers · 1mo

do u guys like neon blue and neon orange together btw i actually kind of like it despite the like 7th grade soccer boy vibes

Sleet · 17 answers · 1mo

how do you recover from sending an all ask that NOBODY answers. genuinely doesn't that make you reconsider life. not saying it SHOULD because it SHOULDNT but i just would literally die if no one answered something i posted HELP ME?

on social media at least you know they might not have seen it but on here...??? you literally have a LIST of people who you KNOW saw it and then you can see them IGNORE IT HELP ME

if its a question i spent time thinking about id uhhhh probs ask it again in a few days

Sleet · 14 answers · 3mo

hi sorry let me re word that. do any of you have a fear that like someone online who you probably don't even know is gonna stalk you or something? not in an egotistic way, like a genuine just "wow! anyone can find me right now. and know things about me. that's... so scary!" and if so does that change how you act. i may as well js do a qotd atp but i'm curious. less so irl genuinely but more so online; are you sitting around waiting for someone to say "hey... was this you?" and it WAS?

someone ive never interacted with before stalked me cos he has a massive grudge against my bgf and i didnt change how i act on social media i was just a bit more cautious about who followed me

Sleet · 25 answers · 1mo

qotd do you like any characters that are very underrated or not appreciated commonly in the fandom for the media they're from?

i just spent like 3 hours looking for Arlan merch. everyone hates him i guess i should just die

KOUHA REN FROM MAGI hes my bf my love my everything and theres BARELY ANYTHING for him it makes me weep idgaf if he isnt a character that gets lots of spotlight HE DESERVES BETTER

Sleet · 12 answers · 3mo

/ apologies for the intrusive self centred question (but I’m sending it nonetheless, obviously…) /
Do you guys? Picture people as more than their pfp. Does that include me. A few of you have seen my face as idrc who does and doesn’t, but I keep getting told it’s not what people expected. So if you were to, what… would you expect?

It’s so awkward sending asks about oneself. How do you guys do this

if i do not know what someone looks like i just see them as their pfp. i know there is a person behind the screen but my brain just like... defaults? to thinking of them as their pfp.

⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊ RAY ₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ · 7 answers · 3mo

qotd :
do you like playing games in multiplayer or do you prefer to play games on your own?
if you do like multiplayer, what's your favorite video game to play with friends !!

playing without friends in a mmorpg is not fun for me (except for roblox <3) but im pretty sold on playing alone or with others
and roblox is my favourite to play with friends we get so silly goofy on it

Sleet · 20 answers · 3mo

not comfortable at all. the only site ive been on that i have been that comfortable on is quotev, which is likely directly related to how long ive been on there and how long ive known some people on there.
also, primary colours. likely cos yellow is my favourite colour.

Sleet · 15 answers · 4mo

Do you guys think someone complaining about not doing work while clearly not doing it is annoying, or wrong of them? if you saw someone who you knew a) complains about work a lot and b) you never see them do work, would you dislike them for it? just curious

Sleet · 19 answers · 4mo

I think it's time that I do a generic easy to answer QOTD rather than whatever I usually do:

˗ˏˋ 💿 ࿐࿔ G ⁺ B QOTD ⸝⸝⸝ #1
(Generic & Basic Question of The Day)
Do you guys uhhhh enjoy like Living your Life everyday?
As well,
Do you always feel a sense of being crushed (or Impending Doom) by all that there is to See, Learn, and Do in such little time? Yes or No.

(A set of Yes Or no, since there's Two Questions.)

i dont say i enjoy it but i also dont hate it. its like ive settled on how life is but im not in a position where i can take on anything else to change my life at the moment (im working on learning to drive, getting into school, paperwork for top surgery, plus a few other things so my plate is very full).
i sometimes get the sense of dread when it comes to all there is to see, learn, and do in the time i have.

alfonse · 3 answers · 4mo

to people in a relationship(s) (romantic, qpr, etc): what are some things you enjoy doing with your partner(s)?

there was a time i was on call with my boyfriend and i was just reading out silly things i came across on pinterest

(♡) furi · 4 answers · 4mo

oopsies i have Nawt been active for a bit. My bad. doesa little dance for u all.
qotd! what is your most prized possession?

ALSO ginger. ive had her since i was four years old and getting her is a very cherished memory for me. also the matching jewellery me and the bf have.

ꔫ⠀ COTTON⠀ ♡⠀ 🐇 · 4 answers · 4mo


what are some headcanons you have about your favourite characters?

zack fair has ADHD!!!!! HR HAS ADHD HE IS BISEXUAL HE IS MY HUSBAND. i cant think of anything else ough

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