Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

loveliest anon · 26d

renchann~are you getting well?my sweetest person please take care of yourself like you’re the most delicate and precious flower in a magical garden. drink lots of yummy water and eat your favorite snacks, but don’t forget your veggies too! surround yourself with happy things and sparkly vibes because you’re like a bundle of joy wrapped in cuteness! stay cozy and stay smiley!!😡🫵🏻❤️💞💞

yes yes cutest anon-nie i’m resting well and getting better and better! really need this reminder especially the veggie part hhhh and this message makes my heart feel so warm 🥰💖 thank you sweetheart, you too have an amazing week and you have to take care too and dont get sick!!!! stay cute my love 🌸

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