Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

fav grouper tracks

her song "Holding" from Ruins is my fav of hers—basically nonstop lyrical and musical gut punches but "i let my structure fail you" may be one of the most devastating turns of phrase i've ever heard. also think it speaks to her project in microcosm both in the ways her songwriting renders desire and in capturing a kind of fundamental absence and yearning in her treatment of the songwriting subject.

other favs in no particular order are Moon is Sharp, Vapor Trails, Vital, Lighthouse, Clearing, Headache, I Saw a Ray, Silent from Above, Breathing (absolutely brilliant closer on easily her most underrated album, also makes the most sense in the context that album), and both parts of After Its Own Death

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