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Positive New Year's Rentrylution · 1d

for the new project you're doing, would it be possible to make a sort of "claim" thing for usernames lots of people would want (stuff like "angel", "gore", "love" etc) before it's released? having someone get a cool username because they made an account as soon as it was released and then barely use the site feels unfair,,, if this wouldnt be possible i understand tho ^_^ !!

I do need to plan this well! With the caveat that time is not something that is spare at the moment. Being a real person is a major part of the new platform, so perhaps it'd be an idea to give randomised handles at first, and to let you claim your choice only after you've verified as being real. That'd prevent someone from coming through and snapping up all the good ones!

Positive New Year's Rentrylution · 2d

Hi! Does having a rentry that's just an archive of old layouts counting as a hoard? I want to keep it jic i ever really like a layout and want to change said rentry back ...

Positive New Year's Rentrylution · 2d

how long before i can reclaim a url that says the message wasn’t sufficient?

Positive New Year's Rentrylution · 3d

is it possible to request an edit code reset for a url that doesnt have any content or secret email address/verify? i have this url i saved (and havent put any content or verify) but i sadly forgot the edit code

If it's brand new or really obscure with 0 views then sure. Otherwise we'd need to insist at this point on one of those things.

Positive New Year's Rentrylution · 3d

when the new q&a website comes out, will it have custom usernames? if so, will you guys have something/someway to prevent people from hoarding usernames?

Yes it will. I will be very strict on hoarding. There will (soon after launch) be a way to verify yourself so that we can ensure 1 username per person (in some cases more than 1 but needs to be justified). Just to prevent disappointment, it's not a q&a website but something that can fit that functionality in. It's a far more ambitious project than Rentry.

Positive New Year's Rentrylution · 4d

What happens if a URL that was reclaimed gets appealed successfully? Why are appeals denied sometimes?

It gets an extra 3 months of claim protection and they are denied if the rules on claims were followed properly, we only accept an appeal if it appears we made a mistake or missed that the content did actually take 30 seconds or more

Positive New Year's Rentrylution · 4d

for bigger claims, how many past claimed urls do you check when considering someone?

We scroll through until we've seen a good number, I don't think we've ever given up while dismissing the user's claim reasons

Positive New Year's Rentrylution · 4d

What is taken into consideration when someone is making an appeal for a URL that was reclaimed from them?

Positive New Year's Rentrylution · 3d

how does getting a reset code for a rentry you forgot the ec to work? i can't seem to remember one of mine and i'm not sure how i'd actually be able to verify its mine.

You'd need to have it set up with a verify comment or a secret metadata, as this makes it near impossible for people to trick us into giving away a URL that isn't theirs.

Positive New Year's Rentrylution · 3d

is it fine to switch emails? I got a new email but i don't know if I'm able to use it for rentry related things like reclaims, do I have to keep everything on one email only?

Positive New Year's Rentrylution · 5d

why was my ip address just banned on the site....

Can you email us about this? [email protected]
The reasoning is that yesterday someone was crawling every possible page on Rentry by trying all the URL combinations, which was hammering our database server to 100% capacity. So I added a block for anyone meeting these criteria:

Tries to load 3 pages that do not exist where the URLs start with 'g' within a timeframe

Is using Firefox/Chrome on Mac

Initially it blocked 200 IPs but it's now at 20,000, which is still possible with these crawlers using an IP proxy service. I'll flush them now and add some more to the criteria

Positive New Year's Rentrylution · 7d

Hi Matt! Could I ask how do the "SECRET_EMAIL_ADRESS" option work completely? I have read the verify guide but I am still confused, and I'd kind of need it explained in dumb/simple terms cause I wanna try using this option for my URLs just for safety 🙂‍↕️

Very simply: it attaches your email to a page without exposing it to other users. We can see it and use it to verify you if necessary later.

Positive New Year's Rentrylution · 7d

I put out a glitch report Dec 21 and got no reply, should I bump?

Positive New Year's Rentrylution · 7d

hello! i can’t seem to reach the support email for some reason, how do i get an access code?

That's odd, did the email go through? Try resending, or maybe with an alternative email if it doesn't work.

Positive New Year's Rentrylution · 7d

i lost my rentry website a few weeks ago, what happened was that i attempted to modify the url and it ended up deleting the whole thing. i selected a new url that wasn't already claimed, and a 'service problem' appeared when i clicked the save button. neither the old URL nor the new one are available now. is it possible to do anything to retrieve back my website?

Yes, email the URL over and I can restore it from backup. The bug itself here is fixed, so there's just a few cases that need restoring. I currently have all pages as they were on December 20th loaded, so let me know if that will be okay.

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