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Unseen Bestie <3 · 2y

I am starting to think that if philip met luz during his first trip to the Boiling Isles he would've just slowly fell in love with her & Caleb would've forced them together to get him off his back

LMAOOOO Caleb really like "your virginity is a sacrifice I'm willing to make."

I'm also not sure about that, since I see his attraction to Luz as so deeply founded in his thwarted attraction to Caleb. Even in my AUs, I see him forcing her and Hunter into those parentification/caregiver roles simply because Caleb isn't there to do it. If Luz and Philip got married, I think Luz would get annoyed by how Philip still prioritizes his brother (thinking of how wincest shippers point towards how Dean's relationships with women are somehow always thwarted by his devotion to his brother Sam) (if I'm recalling my incest meta posts correctly). Also, Luz and Caleb both prefer the Boiling Isles, which is not an L Philip would be willing to hold. It's interesting you bring up Caleb trying to set Philip up, though, not because I can't see him doing it but because part of my current wip is literally him seeing Philip hook up with another Bad Bitch with Autism and getting so upset he sabotages it. Lmao!

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