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Unseen Bestie <3 · 2y

The titan laid an egg, titanussy real? Experts are still at a loss

Considering the Titan said he's "the best of both" I have to assume it's a self-fertilizing thing like plants, so dick + titanussy. Either that or Titans are like those lesbian lizards that reproduce asexually via cloning, which is also a distinct possibility.

ACTUALLY, I just remembered an Assassin's Creed fanfic I found where every male in the guy's family can get mpregged by skin-touch and the main character doesn't realize until close to adulthood that all those times he's pissed blood after drinking his mom's special tea have been abortions. I'm /not/ saying that someone should write that fic. But I am saying that King accidentally [TRAIN GOES BY FOR FIVE SOLID MINUTES] and he ends up pissing spaghetti sauce is a fic someone could conceivably right.

Final note: I saw someone mention the other day that the reason Amity's abomination magic probably didn't work until she got to Old Gravesfield is probably that the Boiling Isles is a necropolis, aka Abomination material is made from corpses, aka do you think you could make an Abomination out of aborted fetuses? Maybe put that shit in a blender or something first?

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