Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

anonymous blueberry · 5mo

Hi! I just want to say that your (and idk if you know eo, but also mx oreozies!) drabbles are what I love to re-read the most since there’s just something magically hidden in every letter strung together. I wasn’t really into JayKe before but since I’ve came across your account, it’s like I was meant to read your works and I am lucky to be able to read your works for free. It feels good to be living in the same lifetime as you because somehow, you’ve became a part of my every day life. I love you, mx bloo!

oh my god this is the sweetest message ever 🥹 i do know of mx oreozies! i loved their works waaah. i am deeply enamored that my pieces are reached to this extent of appreciation! i wish you love dearest anon, jayke is such a beautiful duo that i am fond of.

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