Leonidas. · 7mo

Thoughts on Leonidas. :)

For some reason, when we first met, I got the impression that you were a quite intimidating person. We haven't had many in-person conversations up to this point, kayak kalau ngobrol di tl ya beberapa kali sih. But now i see things differently, karena melihat lo dan Teteh Jeje ngobrol, i know you're a more approachable and laid-back person, especially when it comes to the people that matter most to you. Gue liat liat sekarang gantian ya, jadinya lo yang menjadi aktivis rpw? Karena kemarin kemarin mungkin juga karena gue jarang liat lo dan kayaknya lo sibuk. Tapi sekarang udah bisa jadi presiden rpw, kapan ngadmin? Gue tungguin deh lo jadi admin, nanti gue join dan aktif. :)

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