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Mx. Ann O. Nymous · 9mo

This question goes to both of you, are there other members of your family that you consider hot and sexy? apart from you two of course

Zack: "someone in the family we think is hot"...
Rick: huh...ya know, i don't think i've ever thought about that...
Z: ...
R: i mean, if we're talking blood relatives, that's hard.
R: there was a distant cousin i remember thinking was cute, once...but i don't really count that.
Z: ...
R: ...ZZ, you're quiet. what, you have someone in mind?
Z: Val...
R: seriously, Kuya Val?!
R: wait, i- since when have you thought that?
Z: man i dunno...some point when he babysat me i guess.
R: he babysat you like, twice!
Z: still, he was a fun guy! at some point when i was like 15 or whatever, i sorta looked at him and i was just like, "oh, he's kinda handsome..."
Z: he's like...a slimmer you. i just remember him being pretty cute.
R: i mean...i guess? i've never looked at him like that.
Z: man i haven't seen him in so long. how long has it been?
R: oh jeez, since he last babysat you? more than a decade, definitely.
R: i have lunch plans with him soon though.
Z: oohhh can i come!
R: ya know, if you didn't just tell me you thought he was hot, i might've let you!
Z: oh come on! please?
R: (sigh) we'll talk about that later, okay?
Z: fiiine.
R: okay well, anon, there ya go, there's your answer.
R: brought to you by my nasty son.
Z: stay tuned to see what happens, maybe?~
R: oh pipe down, boy.

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