Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Rintik Aarunya · 5 answers · 2mo

I wish all my friends embrace the year's end with delightful and enchanting moments. 🤍

That's such a thoughtful thing to say, honestly. I hope the same for you too! Thanks a lot, Rintik Aarunya, you're the real MVP. Let's wrap up this year on a good note, ya?

AAMIIN. Thank you manieeees! May the sun's warmth guide your path and may the gentle breeze carry you through the day with ease. Wishing you a day filled with joys and positivity, Ntik! Have a great one! :3

aamiin! same goes to you, sayang. semoga akhir tahun ini dipenuhi dengan hal-hal baik, ya. cayang Ntik! <3

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