Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

heyy so! i wanted to ask how i should go about making a twt fic account.. like i want to open one but HOW DOES IT WORK how do you make mutuals and stuff idk aaaagsh

i feel like im the worst person to ask for this cause i have been talking shit to the void for months until now apparently 😭 but if you want helpful advice there’s plenty accounts that operates in retweeting your fic posts so that people can discover your stuff through those accounts. that’s how i went about anyway. and with making mutuals… again i’m the worst person ever cause my interactions with people are limited to tl only besides a few exceptions but things i always keep in mind is to be respectful of what your friend likes and dislikes and just be silly. you don’t have to try so hard with people you think would match with your interests and just let friendships form naturally!

hopefully i see your works soon anon hwaitinggggg ❣️

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