Anonymous Scrunkie Patootie · 13d

screaming oh my god. i got so excited seeing the fangame that i got up and sprinted to my pc to play it...
I ABSOLUTELY ADORE IT! i loved every little second and happily paying attention to every little bit of dialogue. your characterization of ritsukasa is so amazing, i may or may not have shed a tear!!! i literally felt my heart stop when ritsu said "does Suuchan need me? Does the sun need the moon in order to live?" i could have died right there. something about those specific lines made me so emotional i had to stop for like a minute or two and just take it in.
i liked the appearance of leo LOL. thabnk you leo for telepathically speaking to tsukasa i owe him everything. RITSU IS SO CUTE IN THIS ENDING!!!!
i was genuinely spamming my own enstars channel in my friends server for basically the whole hour. i'm going to think about this fangame for the next billion years thank you forever

HELLO first off thank you for playing the game!! im grateful that my characterization is considered ok because this game is so self-indulgent... second the "does suuchan need me" line. yeah idk what was going through my head at that time but it results in some hard ass lines so im satisfied!! once again THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR PLAYING im glad that you liked it to this extent!!!

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