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Hidden Peeps · 4mo

mau ikut thoughts on charlène/milly!!! 🥺 anyways tell me whats ur fav movie atm!

Cute and demure Charlène, that's the first impression! 🥺 Another Fi would be, "Buset ni orang niat banget, what a hard working fella." Karena waktu di Luckyverse, I was taken aback by your efforts on pushing your rank, keren betul. Current impression, still one of my demure and cutesy mutual. Vibe nya kaya adek-adek kiciw. Mungkin itu juga karena I associate you with your muse (Wonhee), but you truly are a sweet one!

My favorite movie, hmm... Kalo yang all time sih The Hunger Game series. Tapi kalo at the moment, minggu lalu aku baru aja nonton Trap, dan itu seru buaanget! Recommended. 👍🏻

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