vira 𝒞 boothill · 5 answers · 11d

guys.. i dont know if this is regular or anything, but whenever people are upset, I RARELY feel emotions unless its people I'm close to or someone I trust a lot.. i feel good whenever ppl r upset is that a good thing.. /genq PLS HELP

i don't feel any type of emotion when people are upset even when i do trust them, they better be extra fucking special for me to feel bad because recently shit has not been great

well 😭 feeling good when others are upset isn't a good thing but i do get this as i also don't feel empathy / sympathy when someone is upset unless they're someone i consider close

its also not really a regular thing LMAOO obviously not everyone is going to feel something when a stranger / acquaintance is upset but it's common for a lot of people to still want them to feel better / they don't feel good when someone is upset or whatever

as far as this goes, as long as you aren't actively trying to make the person's situation worse or treat it as a joke, i don't think it's an issue?

IMO, one should be sensitive to when others are upset, to help rectify whatever injustice is making them upset. OTOH, people are often upset unreasonably, in which case being sensitive to it can be bad thing, or for reasons you can't help

i wouldn't know since if i hurt a fly i will cry , so . (i'm being completely serious)

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