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Silent Voyager. · 4mo

Why you deleted your retro link from your bio

Silent Voyager. · 4mo

You set your eyes on who

Silent Voyager. · 4mo

Just stalking, then leaving a trace

Silent Voyager. · 4mo

Told you, I am your ex

Silent Voyager. · 4mo

Do you set your eyes on someone lately?

Silent Voyager. · 4mo

Thanks. Tp ih aku ga suka dipanggil sender-min. I think I'll come up with a nickname. Mau gak refer to me as the cuddly comet from now on and i'll use this emoji -☄️

I’m so sorry, gua baru buka retro dan bales pesan ini, hope you don’t mind … Okey. Cuddly Comet, noted. Do you have plans for this weekend? or temanya istirahat dan bergelut dengan kasur nih? Tapi apapun itu, semoga weekendnya baik dan menyenangkan ya.

Silent Voyager. · 5mo

Dah presentasi ... i could not say that it was my best performance. tapi yaudahlah, setidaknya dah lega maju presentasi pertama. kamu dah mulai kuliah juga kan? gimana tuh

Woah, keren jadi yang pertama maju. Proud of you, sender-nim. Nanti balas dipertemuan selanjutnya. Belum, gua masih libur nih 😅

Silent Voyager. · 5mo

noo that wasn't me. besok presentasinya, aku dah latihan sih, semoga lancar. harimu gimana? hari ini kuliah pertamaku dan capek banget, s3harian di kampus tidur cuman 3 jam

Amin, pasti lancar gua bantu doa. Astaga, sibuk banget ya? Jangan lupa makan, minum air putih sama vitamin biar gak tumbang, sender. Semangat!

Silent Voyager. · 5mo


Silent Voyager. · 5mo

Not at all. Boleh nyambat di sini ga sih. Soalnya mingguku penuh nugas, literally banyak banget. Mana besok lusa ada presentasi

Boleh, feel free buat sambat di sini, I don’t mind. Semoga presentasinya lancar, hasilnya baik dan memuaskan. Tapi apapun hasilnya you’ve done your best. Oh iya, even tho it's a busy week, don't be late or forget to eat. Let me know kalau lo udah presentasi nanti. Fighting, sender-nim!

Silent Voyager. · 5mo

The something that i waited has finally came, AND it's not disappointing. Untunglah, soalnya beneran begadang sampai jam 2 an (mau tidur pun gabisa soalnya kepikiran). Anyways, selamat weekend, orizo!

Hey .. maaf gua baru buka retro lagi. Akhirnya ya, glad to know, happy for you sender-nim. Happy weekend juga, semoga hari minggunya menyenangkan dan hari-hari berikutnya juga semakin baik. Enjoy last day of your weekend!

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