Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more
wings of silver, talons of gold; mouth full of fire, a sight to behold.
Hi thereee, semangat yahhh! You've done well and im so proud of you!
halo, sender. makasih banyak ya, i'm proud of you too, nder.
Kak, jomblo ga kak
salam dulu, kaget dikit ditanya gini. dikit lagi ngeluarin single si, dek.
Hi, maaf aku muncul lagi. Aku mau chat kamu duluan tapi beneran ngerasa takut kamunya risih, jadi berkenan engga buat chat aku duluan disini, tapi semisal kamu engga berkenan. Just ignore it, okay? Terimakasih Ian..
halo, aku izin chat sekarang ya.
Kenapa sih lu ngeselin
siapa? gue? ngga kayanya.
Iya ini aku.. aku mengumpulkan keberanian dulu deh kalau mau chat, takut kamunya risih juga hehehe.
no, sama sekali ngga risih. gapapa kalo emang ngga mau sekarang, selalu terbuka dm atau telegram aku kok.
Kamu gonta-ganti nama sih, but.. hi Maximilian. Nice to see you again!
oh, hai! ini kamu kah? nice to see you. kalo mau ngobrol boleh dm atau chat aku di tele @ labradort
Take it easy, I don't intend to bother you..
kaget aja si sebenernya.
Ngga salah, bener kok. But I know you not as Leonardo.
hah? trus taunya sebagai siapa?
That's right, we've said goodbye to each other. Try to remember that you also apologized to me at that time. We didn't interact here or on telegram, do you remember?
nder? ini salah leo apa ngga? beneran clueless.
I Wish I could chat or DM, but we already said our goodbyes. So happy to see you're doing well here, take care of yourself okay?
did we actually say goodbye? honestly, i'm really clueless here. but if we did, i hope you're happy and taking care of yourself too.
You're pretty cute yk, please jangan tidur dulu.
melek sampe kapan kira-kira?
ngga pernah ready.
Hi, I miss you so bad..
halo, sender. terimakasih karna udah kangen, boleh sini chat atau dm biar kangennya reda.
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