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Mentions of grooming and minors selling/posting nsfw. I wanted to inform people how to handle these situations if you see an account like that.
Hi sorry if you see this twice because I might repost this so. If you see a minor selling nsfw pics or just see them posting them at all. just report the account, PLEASE. This is coming from someone who has done that.
Do NOT go undercover because you will end up in a loophole. It is very dangerous and in some parts of the world (such as the US) you can be arrested even if you don't post anything being in the presence of those pictures is enough.
In addition, it's such a deep rabbit hole. Like if they have a twitter, they most likely have a discord which leads back to servers where more of these things happen. They might also have a telegram which is worse.
Going into their dms and telling them that its wrong wont do anything. Most of the people who are posting this are very mentally ill or their morals are like... really fucked up due to being groomed.
Deplatforming them is the best. Because if they keep getting deplatformed they'll eventually give up because you can only be banned so many times before they give up.
Theres more but I don't feel like explaining it all and this is a bit messy but yeah.
You can ask more questions about this in my imbox!!
hi chat i just got 100 on my presentation with these slides!
waves... hi do you guys like my retheme on neospring
waves... hi chat please read my new extended ^^ if you have questions lmk!!
The day people realize an addiction is HARD to quit is the day i'll die peacefully. Addiction is something someone else cannot control! ITS HARD TO RECOVER!! So when you shame people for their way of coping that harms NO ONE else. {Drug use and alcoholism} No im not enabling it im just addressing the fact that it is a hard addiction to get out of and that blaming people who are going through that makes you just as bad as the addiction itself. ALSO recovery isn't linear.
You can't only like people who are recovering because if they relapse, you're going to start hating them? How stupid is that. Also digonoisis is a privlage you can fight me on that. Because what if someone is addicted to something to the point that they couldn't live without it? Are they not valid because they aren't diagnosed? What sense does that make. Anyways if you have an issue with this you can fight me on it at @disgusting.
hi chat! what are your neosprings?
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