Anonymous Coward · 1y

Roughly following the path of the questions asked before, which maybe would make you disappointed to see more of these, do you happen to have any tips or recommendations for anyone who wants to start learning japanese?

Maybe it's something you think heavily depends on the person, in which case, what might be something that anyone who's thinking about learning it could benefit from having or hearing? It could be a specific book (or a set of them) or an idea we're supposed to have in mind, whatever

A couple pieces of advice for people who want to learn Japanese (or anything, really):

  • Figure out what learning methods work best for you. There's a thousand ways to skin a cat, and there's a thousand ways to pick up a new skill. For example, self-study can and does work for plenty of people, whereas other people benefit a lot from learning in more structured environments like community college classes.

  • Try to have specific goals. Learning for the sake of learning is all well and good, but having something you're working towards can be really important for preventing burnout. For example, if your goal is something like "I want to read such-and-such light novel in Japanese," you can work that into your studying by pulling vocab from the first few pages, or reading the Japanese and English translations side-by-side and comparing them.

  • Patience and persistence is the name of the game. Learning languages is hard, but if you put in the effort, it's 100% doable.

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