Julliete Zylvenchia

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Anné Marjorié · 3 answers · 6d

Hey, happy 1st of July!
Can you guys suggest me Netflix series? Similar to Peaky Blinders or others. Thanksss ♡

Hello, hope you have a nice July. To be honest, I don't really watch Netflix series, but I recommend The Cinderella Addiction movie.

Unknown · 7d

Jil mau ga jadi temen gua ? Gua gapunya temen - Jerbi

Unknown · 7d

Udh siap buat jadian?

Unknown · 13d

Jejil nunak gue ganteng tapi kenapa gua jomblo?

Unknown · 13d

babi babi oh babi..
kalau marah kau selalu berkata anjing
padahal anjing nya gak salah babi
sungguh sabar si anjing
menghadapi si babi

ada pantun buat si babi.
kamu perancis, aku belgia.
kamunya manis, sini buat aku bahagia.

-guk guk

Unknown · 13d

Jejil nunakkk kenapa gue ganteng?

Unknown · 14d

Do you mind if someone who has different gender with his chara is approaching you as more than friend or more?

I'm fine with that, selama memerankan chara dengan baik aku tidak terlalu memusingkan mundanenya kok hehe.

Unknown · 1mo

Beb sayang aku ga ? -Aley

Sayang bangettt kalo bisa ku kerukin pasir di seluruh pantai untuk kamu biar kamu tau seberapa banyak rasa sayang aku sm km nghh 😘

Unknown · 2mo

hello there, hooman! i know im late but may the rest of this month will be full of good news for you. have a lovely day :D 💫💛

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