Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

A Patreon !.ᐟ · 1y

hi! former mod of that public server! i say former because it got archived. the accusations of harassment towards 12/13 year olds is incredibly untrue?? there is a difference between not liking someone and harassing them, or sending harassment. <- public announcements to the whole server and proof that they were multiple times the mods AND the owner (ruffle) condemned harassment. if someone in this server went out to harass people that was their own choice and not a reflection of the people running it. free will exists.
and what 12/13 year olds are being spoken of? there were maybe 2 beings in this age range that ever got discussed. one, which ruffle already explained in buns post, and the other which is resolved entirely.
the “hater” channels or ranting channels were used primarily to post things like radqueers (for safety & awareness) or personal ills. anyone we talked about not liking publicly was also well in the same age-range of me or the rest of the mods/owner. saying that bun “sent” harassment is a gross lie in of itself, not to mention the blatant lie about the beings we discussed.. that is all

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