Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

pretty visitor · 9mo

Hello, Kak Hengkara. It's me again. I recently started reading Cosmos while on vacation, and I had no idea a book about space could be so poetic. I had read a really good review about this book, so I was motivated to finish it, but I think I fell in love with it even greater. Please allow me to save your authors and book titles that you recommended on my note.

By the way, how was your day? Which Khalil Gibran is your most favorite line or poetry? And thank you for allowing me, even though you are uncomfortable with this type of conversation. Don't forget to have an enjoyable snack today and drink two litres of water.

after "Cosmos" you shall read "Pale Blue Dot" it's way more comforting. and please do consider to read other Sagan's works. cukup membantu pas lagi kena krisis eksistensi.

my days are so so, unending works as usual. it's kinda boring for anyone to hear, ig. hbu?

hmmm until today I'm haunted by the way Gibran met Salma in her house hahaha it triggers more scene to write in my works so...

mhm, nevermind, and pardon me that I don't catch up immediately. yeah, you too. stay hydrated an be happy.

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