the voices · 2mo

what would each of the jebe’s role/characterization be in an office au? individually or based on pairings you like

took a while to answer this bc i was wondering if i was being too mean but like i feel like being bitchy is part of office culture

hanbin: middle manager that's far from the worst manager you've ever had and you don't really hold any resentment for him but he keeps saying he'll petition his boss to give you a raise because he knows you've earned it but it never really goes anywhere and your department gets kind of bulldozed when the annual budget is being alloted

jiwoong: started working from home during covid and never returned to the office. new hires assume you made him up and are shocked when he actually shows up to the annual company dinner

hao: really milks that "unlimited" pto they had in his hiring package for all its worth but people can't begrudge him for it because he's an insanely high achiever when he does bother to show up to work. if anyone's earned going on a cruise every other month it's him. somehow has all of the office tea despite not being in office most of the time

matthew: should not be promoted to management under any circumstances. good at charming people though so he tends to get sent to conferences and along on business trips. accidentally printed out 400 invoices from 2012 once because he made a typo

taerae: the one single guy from the software engineering dept that came back into the office after covid restrictions lifted because he actively likes hanging out with people during lunch. and also he knows that if kept working from home he wouldn't be able to keep himself from playing valorant 6/8 hours and he does like this job well enough to try to keep it (or at least he'd rather keep this job than have to go through the job hunting process again)

ricky: nepo baby with a communications degree that got given a management position that he doesn't really want. keeps attempting to promote one of his subordinates to his position so that he can just be like, on the ad design team like he'd much rather be instead of running projects. gives the subordinate he's attempting to promote insane christmas gifts to make up for the fact that they're basically doing ricky's job

gyuvin: nepo baby with a communications degree #2. hao's personal assistant and doesn't really have too much to do when hao's out of office once he sets up his voicemail and autoreply so he goes to "help" in other departments (talk to his friends). probably should be hanbin's personal assistant instead.

gunwook: the subordinate that ricky keeps trying to promote. on every single committee. like you show up to any committee meeting and gunwook is definitely there, and probably a co-chair. writes all of the round-up email blasts the volunteer and DEI committees send out company-wide that most people just delete without opening

yujin: summer hire to help out with some data entry while people are on vacation. knows in the back of his head that this is probably an excellent networking opportunity for when he graduates but he would really rather just enter his silly little numbers into his silly little spreadsheets. ends up networking anyway because gyuvin needles him into attending lunchtime soccer matches once and then demands he come be on his team every time thereafter

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