bree✨ · 1y

Hi Salex! Any special hcs about Akechi and his mother? How do you imagine their relationship was when he was a kid, and how do you think he views it as an adult looking back?

I think Akechi’s mom was young when she had him, like early 20s. So not only was she figuring out her own self/identity like other young adults, she became a mother at the same time. I think she struggled very hard to balance the two. I feel like at times she probably felt too immature to be raising a child and by not having enough resources to support herself, she messed up a lot. She obviously kept the pregnancy which in my mind means she wanted Goro, she just didn’t know how to meet either of their needs on her own and it destroyed her mental health. I hc she believed Goro would be better off without her. I think because she was young, Goro had to be responsible for himself at an early age. She taught him how to use a microwave so he could eat up dinners for himself when she wasn’t there (working). He had to learn the way to the bath house himself when she worked from home. All things a small child shouldn’t have to do, but it was the reality of their situation and at the time I don’t think Goro thought there was anything wrong with it. I think she instilled in Goro resourcefulness and drive to be a hero. I think little Goro wanted to be good for his mother but due to his circumstances it was hard to be. I think they had a good relationship overall, but with times where his mother took out he frustrations on him (being short tempered or snapping at him then realizing what she’d done and owning up to it.) i don’t think it was perfect, she had faults too. I think as an adult, after processing his relationship and the circumstances he and his mother were in, Goro would have mixed feelings. I definitely think anger and abandonment he’d recognize towards her as well as his father, and that he’d have a hard time accepting and working on that. I think with time he’d understand her decision and learn to recognize the struggle she went through and his own complicated feelings towards it. I think eventually he’d make peace with past, but not entirely forget it either. All this is also working under the assumption Goro goes to therapy to work through his abandonment issues and inferiority complex.

wow that was a long stream of consciousness answer haha maybe ill put my thoughts together more succinctly in a different post. Thanks for asking!! 🥰

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