Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 12mo

I really wanna freak out on you about the latest chapter but I'm shy and can't express what I wanna say well and it always feels like I never accurately explain exactly just how much I loved a fic but I'm gonna try my best 😭 it's been a while since a fic got me fr like 😳 I mean I was actually heating up and writhing on my bed I could not stop reading it was so so good your writing is so underrated I wish I could give you thousands of kudos, just know that your hands deserve to be kissed and worshiped

omg it's totally fine like i get tongue tied when I read a good fic and then I get to the comments like... how can I describe how mindblowing that was?? and thank you <3333 mwaaah

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