Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

r u in dorms rn ? bc i wanna dorm soon too, im going back to school soon(i took a break) but im worried i’ll be the oldest mf there or it’ll just be a bunch of freshman, bc alotaplp seems to say it’s mostly that idk. rn i just turned 21 last month so idek. r the people u r with / see over all diverse in ages? is there more younger than older or pretty even? off topic but do you have to share bathrooms n showers too

babe the way you worded that i was ready for you to drop that you're in your 40s or 50s rooming with teens but you're 21?? you're so young!! don't worry about it too much, you'll definitely find ppl your age or some who are mature enough for you to be friends with. Granted im in postgrad so I see a lot of ppl who are 21 there too and generally no one cares much? idk everyone is chill and friend groups usually have ppl of different ages and we all just suffer through assignments together.

for the actual dorm situation, you're better off researching the uni you're going to bc it differs from country to country or uni to uni. for me, I don't have to share bathrooms or showers but I do share a kitchen which is pretty normal. If you're not into that and you can afford private accommodation then go for it. tbh dorm life can be annoying sometimes but I love drama lol so im always entertained here and I get to see a lot of friends too.

feel free to message me if you have any more questions! i'd love to support <3

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