
felix • 20↑ • will respond to most questions (just be nice lol)

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Anon · 8d

Not sure what was wrong with that other anon, but I, for one, also adore Rio! He’s a very good character!! I hope he gets some real character development in his upcoming solo!!! Blawghhh! I would partake in Rio week if I could but I am simply too busy!!! Take that, rude anon! But seriously, if people partake in Rio week a bit later, is that alright by you? I want to show my beloved boy some love, just can’t for a couple more weeks.

Thank you anon wahhhh !! Also yeah dw about submitting stuff late. I didn't know a strike was happening the same week until a day before so i don't expect anyone to post now if they don't feel comfortable to. Take ur time with it!!

Anon · 14d

where does this new art go in a ranking of mtc official arts

It's definitely up there in quality tbh like its top 3 for sure. Although nothing will top the connect the line blu ray cover (the one of them in da bar) ....AUGH they slayed me with that

Anon · 19d

As the resident Samatoki expert, do you think he would be a cycle breaker if he had children?

Anon · 25d

What do you think Riou would do at a pride parade? Do you think he'd be excited or maybe shy?

Anon · 1mo

i loveee ur explanation on why you prefer samariou! may i ask? are there any samariou fics out there that youd like to recommend, i really wanna read something 😥 any genre is fine...!

Anon · 1mo

do you think samariou would have bicycle dates? or like use those couples' bicycles?

TANDEM BIKES. i think samatoki would find it cheezy and riou would find the bike impractical, but there might be some wacky situation where they end up riding one of those things. i rode a tandem bike once and they were scary because it was like...four person...but i lived! so its fine. i think they'd live too.

Anon · 2mo

Would you rather have unlimited bacon but no games, or games, UNLIMITED GAMES, but no games?

Anon · 2mo

is there a reason you prefer samariou over other mtc ships like samajyu, jyuriou, MTC poly, etc.?

Anon · 2mo

Is there a specific piece of hypmic merch that you really want that you don't have yet? If so, what is it?

i really want um. samatoki nendo. i have riou but it was a gift (thx oomf 😭) + it was bought on goodsmile so its hard to find a good one.......I ALSO WANT THE PERFUMES but you cant ship flammable products overseas. those r like dream pieces. i do also have my eye on the samatoki scale figure and i do intend on getting that one day (perhaps for my birthday) . he's just expensive.

Anon · 2mo

Hello felix first of all thank you for being a great poster i love seeing your tweets on my tl !! Second of all, do you think riou and/or samatoki are early birds or night owls? And do they like spending mornings or nights together better? Or both? Do you have any thoughts about their possible routines? O: maybe they drink coffee together when they wake up...

Anon · 2mo

Do you have any visions for future SamaRio? Like what their relationship will be like or certain plans for the future? Very open question, answer however you like!

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