Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

DANTE 。 ⚔️ · 3 answers · 11mo

Hey, just a heads up: there’s a callout going around for someone named Dante on RS. This is not me. I have had to deal with people mistaking me for him since my last account and have even had to deal with him intentionally copying me at one point.

I’m not that Dante, please do not throw strays at me.

I have recieved anon hate in the past for “what I’ve done” and on my old account I was sent an anon ask alledging a callout doc on me of things I have never done. I now have every reason to believe that these were also because people were mistaking me for him, and I don’t want it to repeat.

I know it sounds ridiculous to assert this, but Dante knowingly copied my persona on here and did so knowing we have the same name. He namedropped me while doing it & addressed people who were saying they thought he was me. It was intentional, and it made me extremely uncomfortable. I know we all joke about how quickly RS users accuse each other of copying, but he addressed that he knew what he was doing & how people were mixing us up and it made me really uncomfortable.

I’m not trying to make this about me or anything, but I’ve caught strays bc of his bad behavior before when I’m literally just sitting here. I’m not involved with him and I’ve never liked him. This might be more precautionary than anything, but please just… don’t associate that name with that loser & let me live.

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