Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

saplecutie · 5d

I've been pushing off reading JOY cause you always move something inside me with your fics. It's like touching a wound that I didn't knew was there but your words always find it. Like an ibuprofen going around my body just to find the right spot to soothe the pain.
And I'm always grateful for that, grateful for all the things you put out there and the time and live you give to your works.
- 🫀

hello dear heart anon! thank you so much for your kind words today ❤️‍🩹 i’m
glad my fics do this kind of trick on you! i hope this invisible wound will stop hurting one day for you & you won’t require any ibuprofen to soothe the pain. sending lots of love and hugs 🩵 thank you for being here

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