Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

saplecutie · 20h

I am re-reading the start of Joy! again before i get to the last chapter and i am blown away like rereading it makes me catch so many references and scenes with better clarity and understanding of characters and their actions! I have so many jumbled feelings that i will come back to let you later properly. Ik jungkook is grief laddered rn here but he picks cues from every character but yoongi idk if i am reading too much into it and i really wanna shake him into action cause chapter 4 cliffhanger is too cruel and its 5 in the morning how am i supposed to go to sleep now when they whole fic is hurting me in the right away!!!¡! Hope you are well! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

(your message reminded me i still haven’t found the time to edit the fic and it’s already friday 😵‍💫) i do think rereading joy for the second time might be even more fun than the first 😭 i keep thinking how confused people might have been when in chapter 1 jungkook randomly lashes out on yoongi right after the investors meeting like HEODHSODJ as for jungkook picking up clues from anyone but yoongi—i do think that there are many factors playing into it, like at first he’s just so angry at him he won’t listen to yoongi, and then, once he comes to terms with yoongi and all feelings flow back, it’s more like that he trusts him so much that he can’t even imagine yoongi NOT telling him something hahaha so for sure yoongi has always been the best person to get jungkook into “the game” — and whether it’s jiwon’s masterful plan or a very serendipitious coincidence, i guess we’ll never know ;) thank you so much for your reading and such a lovely message! i hope you are all healthy and happy too ❤️‍🩹

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