Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Sapphic Lover · 9mo

why did u put tropes u dont know about or take the time to understand/research in the event?

Im not sure what exactly you want to say here but we added all the tropes the very participants of this event /wanted/ to be added. so we did. The tropes people have specifically asked about i have looked up and tried to relay whatever /i/ have understood about said trope. but unfortunately im not an all-knowing entity ☺️
Plus, personally i think every trope/au/imagery can have multiple interpretations, no? This is a creativity event. So theres a range of things you may create with a given trope, thats the fun of it :]
+ If you dont like a certain trope you got can get it rerolled, if you're unhappy with one?

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