Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Hey, it’s me. Lots of things keep me busy. I just hope you’re eat well, and don’t forget your vitamins. (

Hi, I miss you! I was waiting for a message from you a few days ago, and I thought you wouldn’t show up again—but here you areee! I hope that amidst all your busyness, you’re also remembering to eat well and take your vitamins. Please take care of your health because the weather’s been pretty rough lately. And also, thank you for the song, anon! I’ve listened to it a few times now, and for some reason, it makes me feel flustered.. huft. And it's like I'm the one who needs a sign, sambil dengarin ini aku terus mikir siapa ya yang ngasih. :< if I need to say the word, I'll say it to you (in person) later.🫵🏻

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