anon · 3mo

Hello hello! A very long time ago (Doujima 2023???) I bought your Octopath II poster and two stickers… They were extremely cute and I was so happy to find someone in Singapore selling Octopath merch! I have many regrets about not being able to get into the second game before I went Tokyo and saw the Octopath cafe… (only ended up buying merch for the first game) so I was so happy to find some at your booth!

I would like to know if you plan on attending any other SG cons in the future with more Octopath merch! And if perhaps, you’ve ever considered helping host an Octopath fan cafe… I’m very unsure about the Octopath community in SG; I don’t know if it’s feasible/you have enough fellow fans you know well to even begin to plan a cafe with, but just know you will have my eternal support if you do!!!


hi! thank you so much for dropping by at doujima!!

unfortunately i have to break it to you that i am not based in singapore so i wouldn't be able to help with hosting any events there...🥹 i do plan to attend doujima every year though! i'm preparing a few octopath things this year, but there aren't that many new additions if you've been to my booth last time.

there were still quite a few people who dropped by to look at my octopath stuff while i was boothing so i wish you luck if you ever get to hosting a fan event in SG!! i would definitely be interested in stopping by if it coincided with my doujima trip or even another time... i visited the shanghai sqex cafe during its octopath 2 run and it was really great seeing other fans 🥺

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