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jeno scholar · 2y

hiii your pretty in possible fic is so so so good, thank you for sharing it... my favorite rule 63 ncity fic, pink haired puppy jeno is the cutest and also butch mark, i need her ;_; you painted such a compelling picture of lesbian mark & jeno, i'm curious if you have a Vision for what lesbian jaemin or haechan might look like in that universe? anyway hope you're having a good day! ♡

okay i have to do a lot of thinking about this. i actually have a vision for renjun in this universe but not haech or jm!!! i think jaemin would be like... she keeps her hair long but she dresses pretty average, like skinny jeans+t-shirt+maybe a snapback. Definitely not butch but not super femme either i think shes not super into how she presents herself she just kind of puts on whatever but she does have a big fancy watch (just like real jaemin) and sometimes she wears basketball shorts. because i think basketball shorts on women are hot. i feel like my perception of fem jaem has been greatly influenced by this one fanart.... lots of athleisure is what im saying. but she can dress up super fem and pretty if she feels like it she just often doesn't
for hc... i had to do a lot of thinking about this one because on one hand haechans a theater kid. but shes also a greasy gamer . i imagine her as like femme but shes kind of sloppy about it . like in my mind jeno is very meticulous about her appearance but haechan will like do a full face of makeup and then just put on the first three things she finds in her room. shell dress up super fancy if the situation calls for it but most of the time she wears like... a goofy patterned button up and a skirt or jeans plus cardigan
wow i didnt expect this answer to be so in depth i just love thinking about girls.

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