The storyteller. · 10d

Hei, mi amor.

Just wanted to take a moment to tell you how amazing you are. You're my Lord, my darling, my love, and my handsome. Every time I see you, I can't help but feel lucky to love you in my life.

Your kindness, your smile, and the way you make me laugh are just a few of the things I adore about you. You mean the world to me, and I'm grateful for every moment we share.

Stay awesome, and know that you've got my heart.

Your secret admirer, lol.

Dear storyteller, chuckles Thanks for saying all of that and thanks for listening to my yapping these days, and whatever in my head. Actually, I casually have a lot of random thoughts and topics I want to share with you. Let's talk more in the future. We can also exchange stories about anything, including after going through the day, worry not, I am a good listener. I like to share memes, reels to enliven our talks.

You aren't my secret admirer. Furthermore, I like to call you a little one because I like to pamper. Moreover, you'll know me better later and I hope you are still feeling grateful after that.

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